Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Student Plans

My idea is at the beginning of each year for each student to make their own GAME plan. I will have to simplify it somewhat to make it more maneagable for them, but it would be very similar in the end to what I have done. I will turn the GAME plan outline into a worksheet that each student will have to complete. When they are done the students will have some goals to work towards and we will check their progress at various points throughout the year. At the end of each quarter we will check our progress and the students will be able to re-evaluate and adjust their plans as neccessary. Doing this should give the students a better idea of the skills and knowledge they should be developing as the year goes along.


  1. Great idea having your students set goals and reflect on them at the end of each quarter. By having them reflect and revise their plan throughout the year they will be able to see the progress that they are making, and if they are not then they can adjust where they need to. The one thing to remember is that the goals need to be met within a time frame; sometimes students tend to set goals that are too broad that they can not tell if it was met or not.
    Erin Beauvais

  2. I agree with what Erin said above about setting some sort of time frame for the goals. One thing I have thought to do with my young elementary students was to set goals for each new unit of the subjects. You might be able to set more general goals with older student, but might also be beneficial to set the goals according to what standards you expect them to meet during specific units.


  3. My post this week was very similar to yours! I feel doing an exercise that is similar to what we experienced would be beneficial. Like Magan and Erin, I agree that setting a time frame and evaluating progress and modifying the plan are essential to the success of this endeavor. I think I am going to try to have them set a goal or goals for themselves in addition to goals I set for us. Nice post.
