Wednesday, January 20, 2010


~To be able to integrate technology more fully into my teaching
~To be able to teach other teachers how to use technology effectively in their own classrooms

~I need to acquire more and newer technology for my own and other teachers' use
~I need to learn new strategies and techniques for using my school's current technology more effectively
~The possible formation of a committee or work group needs to be discussed for teacher who are interested in learning how to effectively use technology

To monitor my progress towards these goals I will set up periodic peer evaluations from my collegues. Their feedback will provide me with information on my progress towards these goals. I will also give a student feedback survey at the halfway point and end of the year to ask how the use of technology has impacted their learning.

At the end of the year we receive the students' scores from their state achievement tests. Now obviously these tests are not the be all and end all of student evaluation, but a positive performance trend after a year of introducing new technology into the curriculum would be a nice indicator of success. Not to mention the fact that my school is evaluated basically only by performance on these tests.

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