Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Enacting the Plan

What resources do I need?
In order to accomplish the goals outlined in my gameplan I am going to need more computers to start. Getting computer lab time as a science teacher is basically impossible at my school so one step I need to take is getting some sort of computer access for my students.

What info do I need?
Once I have access to computers I will need ideas. I have a few already, but in order to "seamlessly integrate" technology into my instruction I will need more and more ideas for how to use the technologly and not let it get stale. If you do anything enough the students will get tired of it.

What steps have I been able to take so far?
So far I am in the process of acquiring ideas. This course has made me think about different scenarios and ways that technology can be used in the classroom. I have also filled out a grant and am supposed to be getting a new classroom projector and possibly a SmartBoard, which is great, but it is student access to technology that I am really struggling for.


  1. I have the same challenges as you are facing. We have one media lab and 1700 students. After waiting weeks to have access for my students to work on a project the day finally arrived only to have the librarian call off sick and the media center was closed for the day! I desperately need to learn of some grant opportunities to try to get some technology into my student's hands!

    I think we need to focus on our content goals and work technology into our plan with that as a focus. I worry that the technology will take over and become the focus over content. However, I am confident the use of digital tools is much more engaging for the students.

    A good way to strengthen your skill with using these strategies is to play with different tools and practice using them first. I find that as I play with them and learn my way around a program I have "aha" moments and come up with ideas on how to incorporate them. Good Luck.

  2. Wouldn't it be great to actually have a computer lab that classes could actually use? Better yet, what about computer that are actually in our classrooms! Well, we can dream. Until then we need to make do with what we got. When i want my students to construct a graph after a lab i sign out the lap top carts and haul them up to my room. Its a huge pain, but the kids really like using them.
    I just received a SamrtBoard this year for my classroom and trust me the kids do not get tired of it. It is a really great tool for putting class data up after a lab. The kids can go up and manipulate objects and numbers and they can also make a graph and chart for the data. I am still learning all the hidden applications for the SmartBoard and it is great.
    Erin Beauvais
