Sunday, June 27, 2010


My plate tectonics lesson plan demonstrates my learning from this course because it takes advantage of the video game culture present in today’s students and uses it to teach. This course has introduced or further explained many different technologies that today’s students will more than likely be using in tomorrow’s workplace.

Adjustments for new and emerging technologies are fairly easy for me at the moment since I’m still in my 20s. However, as natural as it is for me now to use most of the same technologies that my students use, the future could be quite different. Unless I am committed to learning each new emergent technology as it arrives, I could easily find myself outdated and out of touch. In an effort to avoid this I will continue to push for more technology in my classroom and search for grant money to procure technology for my students. The digital divide is growing wider, not shrinking with time.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Online Learning

I created a podcast to discuss the advantages and possible problems in using online learning. It's chopped into three parts, but I'm traveling and my phone will only let me email 2 minutes of audio at a time.

If you click on the podcast link it will bring you to my school's Moodle page. You have to click on "log in as guest" then "7th grade" and then "Mr. Harreld's Science Class." The podcast links will be at the top of the page. Sorry about the overly complicated process.


Part 2

Part 3

Sunday, April 25, 2010


The resources from the differentiation stations will be a useful tool for me as I seek to implement UDL and DI in my classroom. I think the way I will end up using it is basically as a reference tool for implementation. As I seek to align my classroom practices with the principles of UDL/DI, the resources summarized and referenced on the social networking page will be an invaluable aid as I adjust my teaching stragtegies and integrate new ideas.

As much as I would love to immediately make more use of technology to differentiate my current instruction, it is not really possible. We have two computer labs at my school and one of them has computer classes taught in it and the other one is booked most of the day for Study Island for reading and math classes. So I think where I really need to spend my time is looking for, begging for, or stealing new technology for my classroom and school. I am already in the process of applying for two different technology grants, but even if those are approved they will not be immediately available.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Student Plans

My idea is at the beginning of each year for each student to make their own GAME plan. I will have to simplify it somewhat to make it more maneagable for them, but it would be very similar in the end to what I have done. I will turn the GAME plan outline into a worksheet that each student will have to complete. When they are done the students will have some goals to work towards and we will check their progress at various points throughout the year. At the end of each quarter we will check our progress and the students will be able to re-evaluate and adjust their plans as neccessary. Doing this should give the students a better idea of the skills and knowledge they should be developing as the year goes along.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Still Going

How's it going?

Well, over the time this course has been going I have basically come to the conclusion that if I am going to integrate technology into my classroom I am going to have to acquire my own technology for the students to use. I have a list of websites with educational grants to look through and am going to have to learn how to write a good grant. My students need to learn to use computers to do more than just Study Island and Facebook. To this end I am going to start ecaluating grants to see what I can qualify for and what sort of resources are available. My goals I suppose have changed from integrating technology, to aqcuiring technology so I can then integrate it into my classroom.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Grants Needed

How effective were your actions in helping you meet your goals?
Not very. I am still unable to do much with technology due to the limited availablity to technology at my school.

What have you learned so far that you can apply in your instructional practice?
I am learning that I am not the only one in this situation and that other people are trying to answer the same questions and solve the same problems. It seems as though the solution is grant writing. There is money out there to be had and I have to find it.

What do you still have to learn? What new questions have arisen?
I need to figure out what technology grants are available and what I need to do to apply for them. I need to learn how to write a good grant and what resources to go to for information.

How will you adjust your plan to fit your current needs?
It seems as though my plan is going to have to become less about actually integrating technology and more about acquiring the technology to use. I have to learn where to find grants and how to effectively write them so my students can gain access to technology despite the community's indifference to the resources availabel to their children.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Are you finding the resources you need?
No. At school the resources I need to further integrate tehcnology into my classroom are not available. What I do have (a projector), I make extensive use of, but new technology is difficult to come by in a district that hasn't passed a school levy since 1992, and is facing large budget cuts due to the failure of the most recent levy.

Do you need to modify your action plan?
Possibly. One of the steps my action plan required was the acquistion of new technology. I have been denied one grant and the grant my school was approved for gave teachers projectors, which I already have. I may have to change my plan to take into account the fact that my students may not be able to use computers in school during science class.

What have you learned so far?
That many teachers, even some of the younger ones are not comfortable with, or do not even know how to use technology in basic ways. Of the five other science teachers in my department at school, I would say that three of them have very limited ability to use computers beyond email and word processing, one of them is adequately computer literate, and the other one is very computer literate. So my second goal of teaching other teachers to use technology is a definite need in my particular school.

What new questions have arisen?
How do I deal with trying to integrate technology into my curriculum when I have no access to computers? We have two computer labs in my school that are blocked out for use by the important classes (math and reading) and never available for use to my students. I could get a couple classes in during the course of a week, but there are some periods where the labs are literally never available when my students would be in my class. Do I just say some is better than none and forget the kids that are in the wrong period?