Sunday, April 25, 2010


The resources from the differentiation stations will be a useful tool for me as I seek to implement UDL and DI in my classroom. I think the way I will end up using it is basically as a reference tool for implementation. As I seek to align my classroom practices with the principles of UDL/DI, the resources summarized and referenced on the social networking page will be an invaluable aid as I adjust my teaching stragtegies and integrate new ideas.

As much as I would love to immediately make more use of technology to differentiate my current instruction, it is not really possible. We have two computer labs at my school and one of them has computer classes taught in it and the other one is booked most of the day for Study Island for reading and math classes. So I think where I really need to spend my time is looking for, begging for, or stealing new technology for my classroom and school. I am already in the process of applying for two different technology grants, but even if those are approved they will not be immediately available.